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Chinese translation for "industrial layout"


Related Translations:
mine layout:  矿山布置
dial layout:  表盘配置
layout position:  直体姿势
layout automation:  布图自动化
layout man:  划线工
layout location:  定线
tooth layout:  轮齿剖面图
tape layout:  磁带格式设计带面格式设计带设计
layout plans:  平面布局规划平面图,布局平面
traverse layout:  导线布设
Example Sentences:
1.A theoretical analysis on influence of industrial layout to urban development
2.On the balanced development of industrial layout and urban construction
3.Construction of functional districts and industrial layouts in tianjin binhai new area
4.Industrial layout of city must comply with the principle of ecological economics
5.World - class city : the basic framework of the new - round of city modality and industrial layout in shanghai
6.Third , it has put forward the main adjusting policy of the industrial layout in liaoyuan city
7.The industrial layouts of the three sorts of economic benefit are " the second , the third , the first "
各种经济效益的三次产业格局都显示为“二、三、一” 。
8.According to the liaoning provincial industrial layout , equipment manufacturing is the comparative advantage industrial and in behalf of core competitive power of liaoning industry
9.As an integral part of lingang new city , the development of lingang industrial area ( lia ) is a crucial step for shanghai ' s further optimization of industrial layout and upgrade of industrial level
10.Second , it has analyzed the status quo of the industrial layout in liaoyuan city , including the change situation , the main characteristic and the main problems of the industrial layout in liaoyuan city
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